
Inaugurazione Nuova Sant’Agnese


Finally on March 31st, 2023, after a long period, we arrived at the inauguration of a new space dedicated to art in the former church of Sant’Agnese (Saint Agnes). It is a place of worship loved by the Paduans, dating back to 1100. From this point of view, the exhibition project Uno spazio ritrovato. Opere storiche e contemporanee nella Nuova Sant’Agnese (A rediscovered space. Historical and contemporary works in the New Saint Agnes) represents in an exemplary way the commitment to bring together the past, present and future on the one hand, the sacred and the everyday on the other, in an artistic key.

The realization of this exhibition marks the completion of a long journey, which began many years ago with the first art-related projects to which I wanted to give life.


Soprintendenza Archeologica, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per l’Area Metropolitana di Venezia e le Province di Belluno, Padova e Treviso
Il Sindaco Sergio Giordani
L’Assessore alla Cultura Andrea Colasio
Il curatore della mostra Riccardo Caldura
Coloro che hanno lavorato al recupero e restauro della chiesa


Foto: Hub Media Agency
