
Onirica () Opening

1/5 Speech by Giovanni Bianchi
2/5 Opening Onirica (), 15th September
3/5 Opening Onirica (), 15th September
4/5 Audiovisual installation, Onirica (), 2023
5/5 Audiovisual installation, Onirica (), 2023

The exhibition Onirica () curated by fuse* was inaugurated on Friday 15 September at the New Saint Agnes, created in collaboration with the Foundation, which on this occasion underlines the connection with the city of Padua and its scientific tradition where studies related to psychology and perception have often met with the world of art. Partecipated to the opening: Miranda Occhionero, head of the Laboratory of Psychophysiology of Sleep and Dreams “M. Bosinelli” of the University of Bologna, thanks to which it was possible to develop a project that linked the scientific approach with the creative mutability of dream activity and Giovanni Bianchi professor of History of Contemporary Art at the University of Padua.

The exhibition will be open until October 15th and can be accessed from Tuesday to Sunday from 5pm to 11pm. On this occasion, the archaeological area of ​​the former church and the modern and contemporary art collection of the foundation remain accessible to the public.