
Guided visit – Notturni Padovani

Hypogeum, Roman road, photo: Marco Furio Magliani


The “Notturni Padovani” are back, evenings dedicated to the cultural and tourist proposals of the different areas of Padua. The initiative is carried out thanks to the collaboration between the Culture Department of the Municipality of Padua and the Padua Tourist Promotion Consortium.

Via Dante is an ancient street, already called Stra’ Maggiore, among the busiest in the city, because who entered from Ponte Molino passed through it and numerous noble families lived there. In Roman times it was the Cardo Maximus that crossed the ancient Medoacus river with the Roman bridge (Ponte Molino). The walk along Via Dante will give the opportunity to know the ancient city through archaeological finds, stories of roads and travels, rivers and bridges, palaces, towers and churches.
