1/7 Fabrizio Plessi, exhibition view, 2024. Photo: Ugo Carmeni
2/7 Fabrizio Plessi, exhibition view, 2024. Photo: Ugo Carmeni
3/7 Fabrizio Plessi, exhibition view, 2024. Photo: Ugo Carmeni
4/7 Fabrizio Plessi, exhibition view, 2024. Photo: Ugo Carmeni
5/7 Fabrizio Plessi, L’Età dell’Oro, 2020-2023, graphite e markers on paper
6/7 Fabrizio Plessi, L’Età dell’Oro, 2020-2023, graphite e markers on paper
7/7 Fabrizio Plessi, L’Età dell’Oro, 2020-2023, graphite e markers on paper

Fabrizio Plessi, exhibition view, 2024. Photo: Ugo Carmeni


Fabrizio Plessi, exhibition view, 2024. Photo: Ugo Carmeni


Fabrizio Plessi, exhibition view, 2024. Photo: Ugo Carmeni


Fabrizio Plessi, exhibition view, 2024. Photo: Ugo Carmeni


Fabrizio Plessi, L’Età dell’Oro, 2020-2023, graphite e markers on paper


Fabrizio Plessi, L’Età dell’Oro, 2020-2023, graphite e markers on paper


Fabrizio Plessi, L’Età dell’Oro, 2020-2023, graphite e markers on paper


Plessi. Nero Oro

06.04 13.10.2024

A monographic exhibition dedicated to Fabrizio Plessi occupies all the spaces of the Nuova Sant’Agnese complex for the first time. Thus comes to completion, with an important solo show, the long relationship between the artist and the Foundation, which began in 2011 with the exhibition Mari Verticali (at the Venice Pavilion of the Giardini della Biennale) and continued during the 2015 Biennale Arte with Liquid Life and Liquid Light.

During the sixtieth Venice Art Biennale and on the occasion of the artist’s 84th birthday, the foundation dedicates the main event of the Nuova Sant’Agnese exhibition season. “Black gold” are the two elements that characterize Plessi’s entire project in the former church spaces, two elements that return in the materials exhibited: installations, videos, drawings. Black and gold are the polar elements that fascinate him and that embody, particularly in more recent years, the original tension of Plessi’s ideational composition, starting from the very recognizable trait of his compositional design, marked, dense, from which the structures that will be animated by the relationship with light.